Ultra-stable, narrow linewidth DPSS lasers designed to reveal complex and weak Raman samples with high resolution
Single-frequency diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) lasers are an efficient tool in Raman spectroscopy applications due to their ability to deliver highly stable, coherent light.
With their high spectral purity and low noise characteristics, Skylark NX C-DPSS lasers enhance signal-to-noise ratio, providing precise and reliable Raman signals. This allows for detailed analysis for complex or weak scattering samples.

Skylark Lasers outperform market-leaders in Raman spectroscopy applications
Skylark NX lasers are designed to combine efficient high power with spectral purity. Delivering ultra-stable output with an ultra-narrow linewidth, Skylark NX lasers at 320 nm, 349 nm, and 532 nm boast a long lifetime and superior specifications that outclass competing products.
Narrow linewidth
Reduces spectral broadening, leading to sharper Raman peaks, better signal resolution, and SNR.
UV Raman filters
We offer sharp edge-pass filters packaged with our UV wavelength lasers at 320 nm and 349 nm.
Long lifetime
Long maintenance-free lifetime to fit into existing spectrometer maintenance schedules.
Ultra-stable output
Ultra-consistent wavelength output and power intensity to reduce measurement fluctuations.

What is Raman spectroscopy?
Raman is a light scattering technique, whereby a molecule scatters incident light from a high intensity laser light source. Most of the scattered light is at the same wavelength as the laser source and does not provide useful information – this is called Rayleigh Scatter. However, a small amount of light is scattered at different wavelengths, which depend on the chemical structure of the sample under test – this is Raman Scatter.
The most common Raman spectroscopy set up for our ultraviolet wavelength lasers involves integration into a spectrometer system and the use of bandpass filters to isolate the desired Raman-shifted wavelengths and enhance the signal-to-noise ratio while improving spectral clarity.

DPSS lasers deliver the highest power performance for Raman spectrometers
Skylark NX lasers provide the highest powers possible for compact Raman spectroscopy inspection applications. Lasers are developed at 532 nm with up to 2 W output power, and UV wavelengths at 320 nm and 349 nm, with up to 400 mW.
With unrivalled wavelength stability and narrow linewidth, the lasers have the spectral purity required for precision-demanding Raman spectroscopy applications:
Resonant Raman
Raman microscopy
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
Materials inspection and characterisation
Nonlinear optical imaging
Confocal microscopy
Combined with long maintenance-free lifetimes and a compact footprint, the lasers are designed for Raman spectrometer integration.
Energy-efficient, with high power delivered from a compact footprint, Skylark NX C-DPSS lasers produce minimal heat. This simplifies integration into spectrometers and other Raman set-ups.
Skylark NX C-DPSS lasers offer ultra-stable wavelength and power stability over long operation. The long maintenance-free lifetime of our lasers reduces operational and maintenance costs for manufacturers and end users.
High spectral purity
Single frequency operation combined with an ultra-narrow linewidth delivers improved the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and resolution of Raman measurements.
Reduced background noise
The monolithic architecture of Skylark NX lasers minimises laser-induced background interference, to enhance the clarity of Raman signals by several orders of magnitude.